
Erik Welander

Full Stack Systems Engineer.
Frontend, backend, and every unix system in-between

Code that does one thing, and one thing well, is art.

/img/svg/portfolio.svgWork Experience
2022-06 ->
Software Engineer - Frontend
Javascript, Typescript, React, Java, Spring
Developer for Volvo cars internal systems around the Fleet Cars/Care by Volvo leasing program. My main focus is on internal NextJS frontend and backend systems written in Typescript/Javascript. I am also developing Java Microservices (Spring) connecting backends together.
2022-02 -> 2022-06
Software Engineer (Fullstack)
Java, Spring, Javascript, Typescript, React
Leeroy provides restaurant owners with a full suite of tools to run and optimize their business. We provide everything from Mobile Apps, to POS systems, easy ordering, and payment systems. My work here mainly focuses on building a new PWA app to replace the current React-Native app, as well as breaking up larger services into micro-services using a mix of NodeJS and Spring Boot (Java). Leeroy is a small company, and since my start there has been a shift in management with a new ceo and large budget cuts. With several people loosing their positions including me.
2018-01 -> 2022-01
Full Stack Systems Engineer / Developer
Java, Kotlin, Spring, Micronaut, Docker, Kubernetes, Javascript, Typescript, React
"Insight Asset Management for Jira" developer at Atlassian.
My journey with Atlassian started at a small, but quickly growing company called Riada Development AB. At the time, we were about 10 people in rather small office, but we were growing at an exponential rate. As our company grew the number of developers quickly doubled, we got new offices, new structures, and a lot of big exciting projects. Insight is the parent to all of those projects, and is a testament to the excellence of the company and all of my fellow colleges. Insight is an asset management engine tightly coupled with Jira that gives you complete control over all of your companies assets and processes. Everything from complex relationships, automations, flows, graphs to even include automatic company asset discoveries with the help of external tools. During my time here I've worked with a myriad of different technologies and environments. From "old-style" large monoliths built in Java utilizing Atlassian SDK:s with Spring, Active Objects and an aging but solid Soy/Jquery front-end (ES5 era, Internet Explorer 8). To new style microservice "cloud first" architectures relying on many small de-couped components with microservices talking over GRPC. Our hosting relied on Docker/Kubernetes and amazon AWS. And our front-end contained the latest that the Javascript/Typescript world had to offer in terms of features and frameworks. Mindville AB is as of summer 2020 a part of Atlassian, with swedish offices closing in January 2022.
2017-02 -> 2017-12
PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Slim, Twig, DBAL, Code Igniter, Javascript
Shopello is an online shopping API used by a number of sites and partners to drive shopping traffic to different web-stores based on a cost-per-click model. During my time at Shopello we've made many of the systems several times faster and partook in several large, if not complete re-writes. We also added new functionality that enabled us to manage much larger volumes of traffic, which in turn have allowed us to establish ourselves in new countries. My duties also included improving our feed management for our customers, keeping things running smoothly and making sure our traffic doesn't include bots. The role has been a large growing point for me and I've learned many new development concepts and technologies. During my time at the company we unfortunately got into SEO and partner issues, and after a company merger and several cuts, me and several of my colleges had to leave.
2016-09 -> 2017-01
Junior Developer
PHP, MySQL, Javascript, JQuery
Clinicbuddy works within the health services business to manage reservations, journals, payments and document PDF generations. My work here includes integrations against payment and bill services, external systems like hearing tests, data import and conversions between various databases and programs like Lotusnotes as well as scripts to generate PDF documents based on form data.
2015-10 -> 2016-05
Android Developer, Linux Developer
Java, Android, Linux
Android developer for a project known as "Exqube", an IOT solution for measuring and storing various data about connected devices. The application consists of a background-service that communicates via bluetooth in order to measure values from our connected box that can replicate things like car dashboards. I've also developed a number of smaller projects delivered as embedded systems using Raspberry PI:s (GPIO).
2015-08 -> 2015-10
IT Consultant
Computers and store equipment
Fujitsu Sweden AB technician. Installation of new payment terminals and store equipment at night time.
2014-06 -> 2014-12
IT Consultant
Computer hardware
Tekniker åt Fujitsu Sweden AB. Working at SEB (Swedish bank) replacing equipment.
2013-09 -> 2013-11
IT Consultant
Computer hardware
Tekniker åt Fujitsu Sweden AB. Working at SEB (Swedish bank) replacing equipment.
2012-12 -> 2013-02
Website developer
2014-08 -> 2016-05
Systems Engineer
Java, Spring, Android, Databases, Web Development, Testing, Scrum
A very hands on practical education with a large focus on competing code assignments from other developers and speakers. We had several assignments from different companies involving writing backend services in Java with jersey and spring.
2012-09 -> 2014-08
Computer Science 180HP
Java, Python, C++, Assembly, Algorithms, Operating systems design and threading, Scrum
2 Year university studying data sciences including logcal thinking, algorithms and design.
2008-08 -> 2012-06
Technology, Programming and Networks
Java, C#, C++, Web Development, Networks CISCO CCNA 1-4
A technology education with a focus on Programming and Networks using Cisco equipment.
/img/svg/group.svgFreetime Non-profit activities
2012 ->
Board member
IX is a non-profit meeting space for technology enthusiasts to share their knowledge and experiences. The organization has existed since the early Commodore Amiga days with a focus on teaching Programming and systems knowledge.
2012 - 2015
Organization Staff / Key-holder
Organization, Meetup
Proxxi was a non-profit meeting space hosting other meeting spaces, that in turn held a variety of different activities. Everything from karaoke, movie nights, pottering, computer games and card games as well as software and hardware development Unfortunately the organization did not make ends economically and had to eventually close.
2010 - 2015
Local Network Operator / Server Operator
Networks, Servers
JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) is a scout event that occurs every october. During 48 hours, our event at Mälarscouterna holds a number of competitions and tournaments in an number of games and activities while we at the same time help them connect to other scouts The event usually held about 60 computers connected to enterprise switches and a self built linux box managing all the internet traffic. Most of the work of the event fell upon me and my friend, but as things became increasingly difficult to manage and find volunteers we are no longer active.

© Erik Welander